Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Candy corn, part one

I love candy corn.  Always have.  Must be because it is pretty much pure sugar.  Yummmm....I always used to look forward to fall, and usually my Mom would buy a bag and dole it out (otherwise I would eat it all, and make myself sick).

I'm  remembering when I was about 5 or 6.  My sister (who is 15 years older than me, and so was rarely living with us in my memory) was living at my parent's house.  On the headboard of her bed, there was a shelf, and on that shelf, among many other things, was a covered dish, which had in it....candy corn.  I have vivid memories of sneaking into her room, climbing on her bed, opening the dish, taking just a few pieces (so I wouldn't get caught...duh!) putting the lid back down, climbing oh-so-carefully off the bed and sneaking away to eat my treasure.  Apparently, she never knew I did this.  Actually, when I told her about it, she didn't even remember having a dish of candy corn there.  Huh.  I guess you remember what's important to you.  

Well, the other night Dexie woke me up at about 2:48am.  Telling me that I was low.  So, after mentally whining, I got up and headed for the kitchen.  (NO...I haven't managed to think to put a source of quick acting sugar next to my bed!) When I arrived in the kitchen, I had an epiphany!  There is candy corn in the pantry!!!  Oh, the JOY!!!  Yes, I had purchased some.  For a craft.  But then I thought that I might not have enough for my I bought two extra bags.  (*hang head in shame*)  seriously...more on that next blog...  

Anyway, back to the epiphany.  What better source of sugar is there, really?  They certainly taste better than glucose tablets.  So, I have a handful (or two).  Then I head back to bed, satisfied that Dexie will be happy with me and let me go back to sleep the next few hours in peace. 

I lay down, get all comfy.  And Dexie starts vibrating on the table again.  So, I grab her and check.  She says I am trending down (still) and am at 49.  Really not good.  So, I wait, and think to myself, "OK, it HAS to start climbing...I ate pure sugar."  So, I wait...silence.  Ahhh....I close my eyes, and get ready to go to sleep again. 

Then, I hear a noise...Yes, it is Dexie.  Vibrating.  On the table.  Again.  So, I take a peek...and sigh out loud.  NOW, she is alarming because my sugar levels are rising rapidly.  Two arrows up.  (Sorry I didn't take a photo...but it was after 3:00am by now).  So, I think, "well, isn't that the point?".  I clear her alarm, and lay back down.  Ready to sleep again.  And, you guessed it...she alarms AGAIN!  Same as the last now, I'm totally rolling my eyes.  There should be an exception.  It shouldn't alarm in the 15 minutes after a low...cuz you are SUPPOSED to eat sugar/carbs to MAKE you sugar rise quickly.  *sigh*  At least I know it works.
The next morning, as I was mentally reviewing the evening, I decided that if I have to wake up during the night to have a snack, I'm totally excited that I got to use candy corn.  Although, I really did buy it for a craft.  Really.  I did.

1 comment:

  1. Candy corn heaven! Perfect timing for this post as I was just talking about candy corn on Twitter.
